New Year - New Website

Hello and Happy New Year!

I’m Steve Date. You might not know me, but I’ve been a Gross Men’s Club member for a few years. I’m also the guy who’s putting together this new website.

Last summer many of us noticed that our website was not doing what we needed it to do. I approached some of the board members to offer my services to spruce it up and get it running again. They agreed to let me give it a shot. I’m not a professional web designer, but I have done a few websites.

I’ve been listening to what other members have said about what they want on the website  and have tried to build a site that’s user-friendly, visually interesting and most importantly, meets our needs. 

January 1st is always a good day to start something new, so here’s the new website design. This is also the first post in our News & Info section. I will try to keep this section current with information, updates and announcements. Let me know if you’d like to submit something to NEWS & INFO.

Let me know what you think of the website so far.  I want your feedback and your contributions. I’ve started it, but let’s keep making it better. Some pages are still under construction, but they’ll be filled out when information becomes available to me. You can send me an email or comment on this post.

Today is New Year’s Day and it’s a day for optimism. So l’ll go first and wish us all a great year of golf. Right now I can honestly say that I haven’t hit a bad shot all year. In the words of Carl Spackler, “So I got that going for me . . . which is nice.”

Steve Date