I played some as a kid in my home town of Wahpeton ND, where the Bois de Sioux golf course straddles the ND/MN border, but only to the extent that I would lug my brother's bag down to the course on my bike and whack balls all over the place as I struggled to get from tee to green.
Later, while living in Fargo and working at a video store, I took home the 2-VHS set of "Jack Nicklaus Golf My Way". I kept it for a couple weeks and did my best to pick up the basics of the game. It was still just a part-time interest, not a passion. I did play in a league of BCBS employees though, where we'd play 9 holes once a week.
Fast-forward to 2019, when one of my brothers handed down to me a much better set of clubs than I was using. That, and the fact that both brothers were retired and playing a lot, got me interested again. Each year since then, I've spent more time playing and it's now one of my main pastimes. In 2022, wanting to play more and meet other players, I joined the GMC. At first, I was reluctant to participate, thinking that with my high handicap I wouldn't fit in. Scott encouraged me to come out and give it a shot. I did, and I couldn't be happier with my decision to join.
When I was young I was a tennis player, and there was nothing quite like the sound and feel of a ball hitting the sweet spot. The same is true with golf. There's just nothing like hitting a great golf shot. That keeps me coming back, despite the game's frustrations. I'm almost always eager to get out on the course.